It’s A Weird Winter Wonderland

Hey Coffin Hoppers!

Remember that Christmas anthology we were working on, tentatively titled Holiday Havoc? Well, as often happens in the wild world of publishing, plans change, books fall apart, books twist and morph, titles change, line-ups come and go, and sometimes… sometimes something truly wonderful and borderline holiday-movie-miraculous happens… Holiday Havoc has spontaneously replicated and – through a process not unlike cellular mitosis – one has become two!

We had a clear split of stories, between darker noir fictions, and weird and wild horror and sci-fi tinged stuff. So we went with it.

Subsequently, this happened:


Take a sneaky pete at the glorious artwork by the legendary Tom Bagley!
Obviously, this necessitated a little shuffle and twist. So look for IT’S A WEIRD WINTER WONDERLAND on November 1, featuring stories by the likes of Jessica McHugh, David James Keaton, Will Viharo, Sarah L. Johnson and our ol’ pal Scott S. Phillips – Stories of holiday mayhem and weird winter wastelands. Demonic reindeer, Santa cults, serial killers, werewolf con men and much more…

Then in November 2018, keep your eyes peeled for BABY, IT’S COLD OUTSIDE, featuring new chilling tales of crime and punishment from Sam Wiebe, E.C. Bell, S.A. Cosby, Rob Brunet, and more!

BookmarkSummer 2017aAlso don’t forget, our next set of releases in a couple of short months


and the first in our new NOIRVELLAS series, CON MORTE by Axel Howerton.